Our grape varieties
A unique expression of our territory
Our plantations, pergola and rows, are included within the Erbaluce Caluso DOCG area; winemaking takes place in a professional cellar situated in Piverone, in the province of Turin. The processed vine varieties are: Erbaluce (native grape variety), Barbera, Freisa, Vespolina, Neretto, Nebbiolo. Our most relevant wine is the Erbaluce DOCG, which, through accurate different processes, is declined in the three variants of “still”, “sparkling” and “passito”. We produce red wines as well, such as the pure Canavese Barbera and Nebbiolo, and two other wines, Canavese Rosso and Canavese Rosato, made from different grape varieties: Nebbiolo, Barbera, Bonarda Freisa, Neretto, alone or combined (minimum at 60%). A rosé sparkling wine completes our production.
Our land
Canavese – Canavèis
During the Quaternary, in the last million year, the huge Balteo glacier, coming down from the nearby Valle d’Aosta, gave shape to the magnificent Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre, dragging and carrying with itself forests, silt, rocks and debris towards the plain of Ivrea, creating, in this way, a hilly “barrier” called La Serra.
Right on the slopes of these archaic hills, forged by the strength of ice and nature, we find La Masera vineyards, drawing their own specificity and uniqueness from this magic soil composition. In the background, Viverone lake, born in the same way, characterizes the different harvest stages, affecting the temperature and humidity that the grapes undergo: the cool of the night has amazing effects on the scents of the future wine, just like the morning mists, which envelop the clusters, protect them and then disappear in due course to allow the sun to give the wine the right sweetness. A visit to our production area can then be pleasantly surprising, allowing to discover still intact natural territories, accessible on foot, on horseback or by bike with the entire family or friends, to spend a day outdoors in a scenario unique in the world…
History and Legend
Erbaluce: a native grape
Since ancient years, this native grape variety was cultivated on the steep sides of the hill, favored by a unique territory. The first production dates back to the year one thousand, when, it is said, there was a strong demand for the so-called “Greek wine”, rich in alcohol, sweet and strongly aromatic. Following the market requests, the Piedmont vine-dressers, second to none, started to produce a new kind of grape variety, exactly called “Greek”, among which we find the Erbaluce. Apart from more or less improbable suggestions, in 1500 Sante Lancerio, the Pope’s bottler, already mentioned the wine obtained from these grapes. In 1606, in an operetta entitled: “Della eccellenza e diversità de i vini che nella montagna di Torino si fanno e del modo di farli”, written by G.B. Croce, Carlo Emanuele I’s jeweler, we find: “Elbalus is a white grape, called albaluce, because being white it shines: it has many big grapes and a hard peel: once mature it becomes browny and remains on the plants for a long time: it is good to eat and in conserved for this purpose: the wines that is obtained is good and strong.” In 1833 Lorenzo Francesco Gatta in its “Saggio intorno alle viti ed ai vini della provincia d’Ivrea” wrote: “The white wines of some lands in this province are precious, in particular those from Settimo Rottaro, Caluso, Orio e Lessolo, which, if well done, are straw-coloured, are subtle, alcoholic and somehow sweet. In these four villages they are subject to speculation and normally they sell at a tenfold price. Grapes are gathered and withered on mats or straw until February or march; then they are trodden with a winepress and the must in put into great barrels and left there to ferment for a very long time. Subsequently, the result is put into another barrel or it is bottled and is consumed after at least 3 years. The white grapes they use to produce the above-mentioned wines in Caluso, Orio, Settimo Rottaro and Lessolo is called ‘erbalus’, also named ‘bianc-roustì, uva roustia’ (roasted grapes) in Caluso”. Francesco Gatta also points out that in Settimo Rottaro white grapes stand to black ones in the same way as 1 stands to 10 and indicates Settimo black grape variety as representative not only of Azeglio ones, but also suitable to describe Borgomasino, Tina, Caravino, Masino, Vestignè grapes, about which he had lost all his notes. It is more recent the acquisition of AOC definition (first Piedmont white wine to obtain it), declared in July 9th 1967 and published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale n°203 in August 14th 1967: the production area includes 36 towns and villages – 32 in Turin province and 4 within Biella and Vercelli areas. In 2010, this acknowledgement is incresed with the D.O.C.G. definition, according to art. 15 of 7th July 2009 law, n. 88. (10G0082), published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale n° 96 in April 26th 2010.